Influential Youtube Stars That Left California

In 2018, The Census tract that nearly 700,000 individuals left the state of California. With unaffordable housing and high taxes, getting ahead is much more difficult especially with COVID lockdown in place.  

Mainly taxes and governance are the main reason these influential  YouTubers  are leaving the state.

Joe Rogan

In July, Rogan announced that he will be leaving California and moving to Austin, TX.

In April 2019, his podcast had 190 million downloads a month. Making his podcast the biggest in the nation.

In May 2020, Rogan officially announced its move to Spotify with all episodes available on YouTube until December 2020. The deal was estimated to be worth $100 million.

Joe Rogan explaining his experience in downtown L.A. and reasons for leaving.

Reasons he made publicly in his podcast was:

  • Economic despair in Los Angeles.
  • Traffic is not getting worse.
  • Homelessness is getting out-of-hand.

Ben Shapiro

A conservative political commentator and founder of The Daily Wire is off to Nashville, TN with 75 of his crew.

 In his YouTube channel, Shapiro expressed that being a Southern California native it’s difficult for him to leave. But with the current economic outlook, high taxes just to fund retirement accounts and massive homelessness, he sees that the problem will not be going away anytime soon.

Shapiro is a native Southern Californian and has seen the decline of downtown L.A. Decided to relocate his whole team to Nashville.

Also, Rogan and Shapiro discussed the homelessness problem in L.A. in a podcast.

Graham Stephen

Graham Stephen is a real estate professional, investor and a Youtuber with over 2.4 million subscribers.

Is one of the younger real estate agents that made it big selling residential estate since 2008.

Earlier in October, Graham shared a video detailing his reasons leaving California for Las Vegas.

Same as Shapiro, income tax is one of the main reason he’s leaving the state. Homelessness and crime was also the other reason for the move.

Elon Musk

 In late July, Elon Musk announced that Tesla will build the Cybertruck in Austin, TX. The factory is reported to cost $1 billion dollars to build and will generate 5000 jobs for the local economy.

In May, Musk filled a lawsuit to Alameda County California over pandemic related restrictions. On a tweet Elon announced that he’ll be moving major manufacturing of his cars to Texas or Nevada.

Elan may not be a YouTube star but his influence and brand carries over with the platform.

If you are from California, are you thinking about it too? Are you considering moving to California?

Let us know your thoughts!